Sunday, August 28, 2011

Setting The Stage

I'm a 27yr old female who cares a lot about the way I look. Most people would say that I am attractive, and I pride myself in doing what I can to look my best. Since I can remember, I've always had a huge problem with corns and hammertoes. When I was a young child, I would do things a normal child would do, like go swimming in the summertime. I remember kids teasing me that I had something wrong with my feet. I never knew there was anything wrong up until this point. That's how young I was!! After that point, I would always hide my feet. I never got to wear sandals or toe opened shoes.

As I got older, there were many activities I had to exclude myself from. From the time I got to high school, I started looking into ways I could rid myself of this curse! I tried every Dr. Scholls product, I've tried make-up, and even cutting the corns off of my toes up until I sometimes saw blood! In high school, I never had a boyfriend. In fact, as an adult, I've only had one boyfriend. I could only bring myself to tell one man about my "problem". After he and I broke up, almost two years later, there was no way that I could go through the embarrassment of telling another man about my insecurity. It was high time to get the problem fixed....

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